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Is a Dallas, TX commercial rooftop HVAC unit worth it?

April 22, 2022 at 4:00 AM
Rooftop HVAC units on top of a shopping center.

Your commercial building is the home of your business. Whether it’s mainly home to office spaces, a customer-facing business like a restaurant, or virtually anything else, maintaining the right interior temperature is important. A comfortable space is important for the productivity of your staff, allowing them to focus more on the work they’re doing that keeps your business moving. It’s also essential for your guests to create a pleasant atmosphere that they can associate with your business.

An HVAC system is, of course, the clear solution to this need, but less clear may be what sort of system to implement for your building. Certain types of systems may add unnecessary industrial clutter to the appearance of your building or take up space that could be used for more productive purposes. That’s where the benefits of a rooftop HVAC unit come in: you can get all the benefits of maintaining a pleasant temperature in your building without allowing the system to interfere in your routine operations.

Are you considering HVAC systems for your commercial building and exploring the viability of a Dallas, TX commercial rooftop HVAC unit? It may be the most worthwhile choice for the space and maintenance savings it can bring to your business. In this blog post, we’ll explain in greater detail how this kind of unit works and the detailed benefits of how it can help your business.

How a rooftop unit works

Rooftop units, as the name would imply, are placed on the roof of your commercial building and often built with air conditioning capabilities in mind first and foremost. This alone is a worthwhile reason for any commercial building in Texas to consider installing this type of unit; summers can get extraordinarily hot in this state, making the workplace uncomfortable and, under certain circumstances, even dangerous for your staff and guests.

That being said, nights can get fairly cold, even dropping below freezing at times during the winter, so heating functionality is a must for any rooftop unit you’re considering.

Once your unit is installed, refrigerant reaches its compressor and becomes a hot, high-pressure gas as it’s processed through the condenser coil. From there, it’s dispersed as exhaust by the unit’s condenser fan. Warm air returns through the unit’s ductwork for ventilation, passing through filters to protect cooling equipment from contaminants.

How does a commercial rooftop HVAC unit help your business?

As mentioned previously, the shifts in weather that residents and business owners of Dallas can experience make an investment in a commercial rooftop HVAC unit a necessary one. A comfortable internal environment in your building allows guests to remain comfortable and staff members to work without interference resulting from temperature-related issues. These benefits come with most HVAC systems, though; there’s a reason rooftop units are particularly popular for commercial buildings.

When your unit is placed on the building’s roof, it’s out of the way of your everyday operations and allows for extra space that can be used for business-related activities. It’s also kept separate from most human activity in general, adding a degree of protection against accidents or intentional acts of vandalism. Additionally, it’s better for the aesthetic appearance of your building when industrial equipment is kept as out of sight as possible.

Get your rooftop unit from Caldwell Mechanical Services

Ready to invest in a rooftop unit from Caldwell Mechanical Services for your commercial building? You’ll be doing a favor for the success of your business, doing your part to keep your employees safe and productive, and introducing functionality to your building that improves the experience for customers, guests, and other valued visitors. To learn more or schedule a consultation, get in touch with us now!

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Get in contact with us if you have any questions about our HVAC services.